WELCOME!!! Admissions Open for the year 2024-2025

College Staff

Teaching Staff
Sl. No Name Department Designation
1. Dr. K. M. Awaradi Economics/Agri. Marketing Principal
2 Dr. A. M. Narode Kannada Associate Professor
3. Dr. S. D. Soraganvi Economics/Agri. Marketing Associate Professo
4. Shri.A.M.Ugare Political Science Lecturer
5. Shri.R.S.Pujari Political Science Lecturer
6. Shri V.A.Adahalli English Lecturer
7. Smt. J.R.Patil Chemistry Lecturer
8. Shri C.M.Aigali English Lecturer
9. Dr.S.S.Koli Kannada Lecturer
10. Miss S T Diwanji Mathematics Lecturer
11. Miss. S S Kodaganur Botany Lecturer
12. Miss. C M Gennur Zoology Lecturer
13. Shri T D Dangi History Lecturer
14. Smt D. A .Naik Chemistry Lecturer
15. Shri.P.M.Gouli Hindi Lecturer
16. Shri.S.S.Mugalyal Botany Lecturer
17. Shri.I.C.Shirol Kannada Lecturer
18. Smt.R.M.Kakade Commerce Lecturer
19. Dr.S.C.Bijjaragi Zoology Lecturer
20. Shri. R.V.Chougala Journalism & Mass Communication Lecturer
21. Smt.S.I.Hosurmath Economics Lecturer
22. Shri.S.I.Patil Bachelor of Computer Application Lecturer
23. Miss.P.S.Managanvi Commerce Lecturer
24. Shri.M.B.Dharigoudra Commerce Lecturer
25. Shri.A.R.Urabi Bachelor of Computer Application Lecturer
26. Shri.P.T.Athani English Lecturer
27. Shri P.S.Hipparagi Physical Education Lecturer
28. Smt P M Mutnali Sociology Lecturer
29. Shri. V T Badiger Bachelor of Computer Application Lecturer
30. Ms.S S Kamagond Bachelor of Computer Application Lecturer
31. Ms.S S Harugoppa Mathematics Lecturer
32. Shri B I Pagad Journalism & Mass Communication Lecturer
33. Shri S A Patil Physics Lecturer
34. Ms. A I Latti Commerce Lecturer
35. Ms. S A Savadi Physics Lecturer
36. Ms. D.A.Ammanagi English Part Time Lecturer
37. Ms. S K Atagali Kannada Part Time Lecturer
Teaching Staff PG
38. Miss.D.M.Hosapeti PG Dept. of Commerce Lecturer
39. Miss P.B.Hosur PG Dept. of Commerce Lecturer
40. Miss P.M.Balagar PG Dept. of Commerce Lecturer
Library Staff
41. Shri. P. B. Jabashetti Library Library Assistant
42. Shri. B. M. Bandi Digital Library Digital Lab Assistant
Non-Teaching Staff
43. Shri. R. D. Biradar Academic Office Office Superintendent
44. Shri.D. S. Kumbar Academic Office SDA/Typist
45. Shri.M. B. Patil Academic Office SDA
46. Smt. R D Bhosale Academic Office FDA
47. Shri R.S.Jatti Academic Office Accountant
48. Shri K.S.Jadar Bachelor of Computer Application Lab Instructor
49. Shri C. B. Kittur Library Attender
50. Shri.D. S. Aneppagol Academic Office Attender
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